Bathroom Renovations

Kim J. Clark

A bathroom renovation is one of the most popular home remodeling upgrades for a homeowner. There are multiple reasons as to why this type of upgrade is so popular, and one of the main reasons is because the money spent is almost always recouped completely when someone goes to sell […]

Creating a Garden Budget

Kim J. Clark

A garden budget is just another component of a garden journal and is a very important tool for those gardeners who overspend. The reason for a budget goes beyond saving money but also allows the gardener to see what they have, see what they need, and create ways of acquiring […]

What is the best method of plastering

Kim J. Clark

Plastering is an age-old craft that plays a crucial role in creating smooth, durable, and aesthetically pleasing surfaces in buildings. From traditional techniques handed down through generations to modern innovations, there are various methods of plastering available to achieve different results. In this article, we delve into the realm of […]

A Christian Home

Kim J. Clark

Divine intelligence has designed the whole creation in such a way that “isolation” is a detestable aberration. This fact is sufficiently substantiated and accurately portrayed by the Omniscient Creator when He affirmed, “it is not good that man should be alone” (Genesis 2:18). By extended application, what is not good […]