How to Prepare a Hosta Garden

Kim J. Clark

Hosta plants are a lovely variety of home garden plants that resemble lilies but are more weather resistant and have a much larger variety. There are over 3000 registered species of the Hosta plants and there are many more unregistered species. The species differ in color, designs, leave size and the height they grow to. You can inter-crop hostas and other flowers in your garden for extra beauty depending on your preferences.

If you are planning to have a hosta garden in your home, then the following steps can be of assistance.

Prepare Garden

Prepare the garden by airing the soil through tilling. Till the ground at least one week before the day of planting. Dig deep enough so as to allow the hostas to have deep roots and thereby be firmly grounded onto your garden. You can fence off the garden with deck tiles. You can purchase some fertilizers or manure from your local nursery to improve on your soil.

Seeds and Garden Markers.

Once the garden is ready, you can proceed and purchase the seeds for your preferred hosta species. You can check out the internet for different species and how they look so as to get your preference. Sow the seeds in an interval of 2 inches and sow them in pairs. Plant the seeds about ½ feet deep into the ground. Cover the hole with soil and place a garden market at each seed to know the particular point that you have planted.

Ensure that you water your garden every day and weed off any non intended plants that may sprout from the ground. The plants should be up in 5 days to 1 week. If some spaces remain and some seeds end up not germinating, you can sow replacement seeds. Continue to water the flowers every day with sufficient water especially in dry weather seasons. As the plants grow in size, they will gain shape and color and your garden will look great in no time.

Disease and Pest Control

To manage the Hosta plants in your garden, you must protect the plants from pests and diseases. Some of the common pests that attack the crops include rodents such as rats, snails and slugs and deers. You can protect the garden by having a ring of netted mesh around the garden. Hostas are usually attacked by frost in the summer season especially if they are not watered properly. You can remove infected leaves to curb spreed of the disease. Another disease that has recently been attacking the plants is called the Hosta virus X. The disease causes spotting and weathering of the plants. A herbicide from your local nursery can help curb the disease. You should also pluck off infected leaves as soon as they get affected.

Hostas can also be affected by harsh weather conditions. Heavy rains, hail storm and continuous dry spells can weaken the plants or cause the leaves to weather and therefore losing o n its beauty. You should therefore sow the seeds in spring or summer and sufficiently water the garden.

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